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Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

THINK MORE, TALK MORE, DO MORE (A personal article to save our fabulous gift, the earth)

‘Be the Change that You Want to See in this World.’ (Gandhi)
Talk less-do more. This proverb will not work if we have a great commitment in saving our earth.
 THINK what we have to do to this earth, in this iron era of the environment. You can explore yourself to find what is really needed by this earth urgently. It is important to discover something and some think that is really useful for the betterment of our environment. Like what some people have already invented, they make an innovation to help this earth still alive. Even it is just a simple one. For instance, a group of people dedicate their self in collecting some trashes to be recycled. They make stuffs from it. Please explore your creativity. Each people own it. Do not be shy to expose yourself, as far as it is for the positive thing that we can do for our greatest home, the earth.
 TALKING everything which is related to the earth saving is better than talking about somebody’s mistakes or their lacking and gossiping badly. To persuade people to do right things for this earth will give a good impact to person that heard about it. Use the social networking to share the good thinks. People who read it will be alerted.
 DO you think that you have already given a right thing to this earth? If it is YES, please continue your big mission. Everything that you do, do more and more. Grow the plant, be vegetarian, keep the air and water clean, keep your environment clear and healthy, clean up your living society, grab the trashes that you see, and put it into the basket, bike to work or any places, save your electricity, all those things will do really help this earth become healthy. TAKE ACTION.
YES WE CAN, do it NOW, do not wait until tomorrow, because this earth is getting old. It has helped us much, abundance gifts from its sources, and it is our turn to help it!!


Anonim mengatakan...

sudah tak jadikan blogroll... hehehe
keren euy ijo2....
mau dong dikasih cendol.. he3

dalam warnawarni dunia striratna mengatakan...

makasi,,tp sy msh blum ngerti loo,,wkkwk..
cendol isi pewarna tu??oo

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